Source: Johan Fornäs via Crossref Metadata Search Source: DataCite. Preferred source 


Locate, identify, and cite research data with the leading global provider of DOIs for research data.

DataCite services make it easy to follow best practices. For example: The DataCite Metadata Schema is available from here. The metadata can also be used for other purposes, such as search via the DataCite Metadata Store or it can be integrated into other systems or web sites using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). DataCite Commons currently includes 31,902,257 works, with identifiers and metadata provided by DataCite and Crossref. For the three major work types publication, dataset and software, the respective numbers by publication year are shown below. 2012-01-26 DataCite Metadata Schema. The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for an accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions.

Datacite search

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Banner. UB · LibGuides · LNU:s publiceringsguide; Forskningsdata. Search this Guide Search  Search Results. Display Settings. Results per page: 25.

LubSearch, Scopus eller Libris), välj Cite eller Skapa referens, utforma referensen i Harvard-stil och gör de modifieringar som krävs. Citeringar i texten följer 

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Planskilda passager, gång- och cykeltunnlar, är oftast det säkraste sättet att korsa en hårt trafikerad gata. En förutsättning är dock självklart att tunnel upplevs 

Datacite search

Sort By: Relevance. Relevance · Date Descending · Date Ascending. Filter. Previous; 1-10 of Source: Johan Fornäs via Crossref Metadata Search Source: DataCite.

Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden Search for more papers by and Mats Bågesund No static citation data No static citation data Cite BibTex. En licens för Federated search har lagts till i budgeten. Förstudie Cross Ref. ○ DataCite. ○ DOI. ○ EU-projektdata.
Felaktig deklaration

Metadata that you register with DataCite is in a central location, harvestable by anyone. Metadata for our Members’ research outputs appear in other search engines. DataCite services make it easy to follow best practices. For example: The DataCite Metadata Schema is available from here. The metadata can also be used for other purposes, such as search via the DataCite Metadata Store or it can be integrated into other systems or web sites using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).

DataCite Commons was officially launch in October 2020. 2020-10-29 A DataCite Registered Service Provider provides software that integrates with a DataCite API in order to allow DataCite Members to register DOIs using each Member’s own DataCite API credentials.
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When registering DOIs in DOI Fabrica, you must select a state for the DOI. There are currently three states  Find, Access, and Reuse Data. DataCite has 108 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. \n\nThe DataCite search API is at api is based on SOLR and can be found at JSON](\n[block:api-header]\n{\n \"type\":   searches metadata from EUDAT data centres and other repositories.

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Metadata of each record is sent to DataCite   In 2011, OSTI joined DataCite to facilitate citing, accessing, and reusing publicly and registered become discoverable in OSTI's search tools, including OSTI.